I am trying to communicate with a wifi module with stm32f769's spi interface. My data packet is 64 bytes, but the spi only provides 16 clock cycles, Hence the datapacket sent is invalid. Can anyone tell me what could be the possible solution for this...
I want to create many(20) software timer using single hardware timer of STM32.Timer accuracy in Mili second.Example:Timer = TT1 start > T1 over & T2 start > T2 over &T3 start....> T(n-1) over & Tn start.Sequence of timer or sequential timerTimer...
Hello,I have some Issues with LPUART1 on a STM32L081KZT. What I want to do is:- Receive Data of variable length via LPUART1 using the HAL_UART_Receive function.- Reading bytewise in a loop- Using an External Interrupt to start the receive.My Code loo...
I am using the stm32f411 with clocks set to run at 64MHz. I am trying to read two adc channels triggered by timer 3 cc1 also using DMA2 stream 0 for data transfer.Tim3 CC1 is set for toggle on match. The adc is set for external rising edge.I want to ...
Hello,In my project I need to sample single PWM pulse with ADC (Current and Voltage). I'm using STM32L451CCU.I have configured timer 15 to produce PWM signal with channel 1 and used channel 2 as the clock source for triggering timer 2 through ETR1 , ...
I'm going way out on a limb and designing a small uController board based on the STM32H7A3. I've been prototyping the software for a while now on a STM32 Nucleo H7A3 and a STM32 H7B3 Disco board. The Nucleo board uses the 64 Mhz HSI clock but calls...
I have the following : HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi2, &txBuf[0], 1, 50); HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi2, &rxBuf[0], 1, 50);I have the following code .... STM32L476 is a spi 3 wire master. The Transmit appears (logic analyzer) to be working fine, however I am ...
I have a very strange issue with an STM32F405RG/407VG regarding the RTC: it only works, when I am in debugging mode and add the “hrtc�? struct into live expression and the instance handle is open!My code is pretty simple: I have 2 globals:RTC_TimeTyp...