2022-07-13 8:41 AM
Newbie here! I am trying to import grbl-advanced into STM32CubeIDE. My board is Nucleo-F446RE. Is there anyone who can tell me how to do it?
Thanks in advance!
2022-07-13 9:17 AM
What does the documentation for this "grbl-advanced" say?
Is this it: https://github.com/Schildkroet/GRBL-Advanced ?
It says it's for the EmBitz 1.11 build environment - so why not use that?
2022-07-13 12:41 PM
Thank you for your response. Yes, that is it. https://github.com/Schildkroet/GRBL-Advanced .
But I'm trying to import it from STM32cubeide.
2022-07-14 1:31 AM
As a newbie, I would suggest that you start by following the instructions provided - ie, use the EmBitz 1.11 build environment.
Once you have that working, and have gained familiarity & understanding of the code, how it works, and how it's built, then move on to porting it to CubeIDE.
You'd probably also want to spend some time gaining familiarity & experience with CubeIDE before attempting this.