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Resolved! Timing to be reflected __disable_irq() and __enable_irq()

​We make below code.The variable a is written from both main function and interrupt function.​When accessing variable a with the main function to realize exclusive control, interrupt disable and enable (__disable_irq(), __enable_irq()) are used.​How ...

Fkasa.1 by Associate II
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Hello , I am trying to read address from GP30 using spi as an interface between stm32l476RC and to transfer it to pc via UART, there is no errors , i have reversed the programmer using Cube Programme but I am not able to see data sent .please help

int main(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */  uint8_t read_opcode ;  uint8_t read_addr ;  uint8_t Result_read = 0x00;  uint8_t Result_read_buff=0x00;  char*commande;  commande = (unsigned char *) 0x5A; /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration-----------...

Douma.1 by Associate II
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Error Code Writing to FLASH On STM32L496

I have a project based on the L496. The application does a few writes to FLASH. The initial write works correctly, however subsequent writes fail. The code is directly from STCube:/** * @brief Wait for a FLASH operation to complete. * @param Ti...

jvavra by Associate III
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HAL_FLASH_Program returns with error

Posted on January 25, 2018 at 14:07Hi,I use STM43L476 and try to use fast flash program to program 256 bytes (decripted_firmware_data buffer).The flash area is erased (all 0xFF), but the function HAL_FLASH_Program always returns with HAL_ERROR and n...

Why UART1 block UART2

Hello ST Community,I use two UARTs at the same time, 1 to communicate with a sensor and the other to communicate with the BlueNGR-M2SP BLE module.The UART2 is configured with DMA IDLE because the length of the frame I receive varies and the UART1 has...

PCong.1 by Associate II
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