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STM32F20x datasheet talkes about TNRST_OUT, but Figure 40 shows NRST pin as input. Which is right?In view of point NRST can be behaved as OD output, then it will expand the external reset pulse is expanded by 20us?e.g.In other words, external periphe...
What is the correct Vhys parameters for STM32F2xxx MCU I/O ports?It looks like as wrong datasheet values here (DS6329 Rev 18): published values are too big.Please double check the c...
I have the latest CubeIDE 1.7.0, but this phenomenon is exist on previous 1.6.1 too. Two computers, two IDE versions, the same phenomenons,It is not possible to download the TOUCHGFX pack via package manager.  When I am creating a new project, I get ...