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Target not responding after motor starts running

Hi,I am using STM32H743VI MCU for running a BLDC motor. When I debug and run the code without connecting the motor then I can able to debug the code and I also printing some messages on the UART, its working fine. As soon as I connect the motor with ...

RJain.1 by Associate II
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I am trying to communicate between Bluepill and Arduino but I am not able to see the data transfer happening. The code details are as below:

STM32F103C(Bluepill) Tx:#include "stm32f103x6.h"#define USART2CLKEN (0x01UL << 17U)#define SYS_FREQ 72000000#define APB1_CLK 36000000#define UART_BAUDRATE 9600void uart2_write(int ch);void uart2_tx_init(void);int main(void){ uart2_tx_init(); while(1)...

SVemp.2 by Associate II
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UART using DMA communication problem

Hello,​I'm posting a question to get advice on a problem about communication with UART using DMA.​I wrote code like followings : Transmit data only when HAL_DMA_STATE is ready.   if(HAL_DMA_GetState(hdma) == HAL_DMA_STATE_READY)  HAL_UART_Transmit(hu...

HKim.28 by Associate
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Resolved! I am trying to transfer a character using uart in stm32f030 to pc , done with initialization with uart config there is no errors but I am not able to see data sent .please help

void uartInit(){ USART_InitTypeDef uartInitStruct; GPIO_InitTypeDef gpioInitStruct; RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOA, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_USART1, ENABLE); gpioInitStruct.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9 | GPIO_Pin_10; gpioIni...

ag n.1 by Associate II
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Looking to make a microtonal music keyboard. I would like to find a STM32 lay out for a standard, midi, with velocity sensing keys (timing between two contacts per key) keyboard and with the C program that I can use as a guide to modify for my use.

Any Algorithm for scanning, timing velocity, and or to midi would help. I could do the matric lay out. I do not want to reinvent the Wheel if posable.Thank you, ƒg.

fgilm.1 by Associate II
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