I am sending some variable's address through UART then reading and getting those data from UART, often my program stucks into hardfault handler to avoid that in handler i just added __NVIC_SystemReset(); Is there any other way to avoid Hardfault han...
I am able to send & receive 1 integer over the I²c bus but I'm stuck how I can send more integers in 1 commando. Can someone help me please?#include "main.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1; UART_HandleTypeDef huart2;...
I am trying to understand the external interrupts for the STM32F103C8. It seems that I can attach an interrupt to any of the PA or PB pins. The first 5 pins (0-4) seem to have unique IRQ handlers, whereas pins 5-9 share a handler as does 10-13. When ...
Hello. I am working on a project where i need to get different lenghts of data using UART and preferebly with least possible amount of iterrupts, so ive settled to using HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle() function (when testing the project on F103), but when...
In STM32L0xx, all pins are initialized as Analog, except PA13/PA14 which are SWDIO/SWCLK, initialized as AF; and PA4, which is initialized as [digital] Input.I can't find any reason for the latter.It's not that important, and I can simply take it as ...
I would like to know if the following is possible and if so, where can I find information about it.I have a STM32L010K8 micro connected via USART to an LTE CHIP (BG96) through which I can get the firmware update that runs on the microcontroller. I co...
I am currently using the STM32F3 series microcontroller (STM32F303CB) in a magnetic sensing application. Since the environment is prone to magnetic field, I wish to know the maximum field strength that the microcontroller can withstand.I could not fi...
I tried the BSP example for H735G-DK, but it doesn't work.What I want to do is get an audio wave from line_in (the blue audio jack on the board).The setup for SAI1 is in the picture, I can play the audio through the line out without any problem but c...