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Resolved! Initial project using STM32H745BIT3 supporting FDCAN

Hi: I'm a "newbie" to STM processors. I have a board with the STM32H745BIT3 processor on it. I'd like to get the board to initially communicate via FDCAN to my laptop. My laptop has a PEAK FDCAN device on it. Is there a base CubeIDE project or .ioc f...

KennyD by Associate
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STM32H7 - USB High Speed - External Phy

I'm using an STM32H750 MCU to run an application that communicates with a computer via USB in CDC ACM mode. The application uses USBX from Eclipse ThreadX and an external USB PHY (USB3300) to perform high-speed communication. My application works fin...

Resolved! How to identify information printed on STM32F407IGT6 chips?

I have two STM32F407IGT6 chips, and I need help understanding the markings printed on their surfaces.Images attached:First chip: "STM32F407IGT6 AA295 VQ 6 TWN AA 342"Second chip: "STM32F407IGT6 VQ249473 AA297 TWN AA 318"I would like to know:What each...

Muk_0-1732272258299.png Muk_1-1732272261127.png
Muk by Associate II
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Timer/Usart priority problem

While testing the Blackpill Timers and Usarts I came across this problem. If I set for example 6 timer channels using two timers. (In my case Tim2 and Tim3 and Usart1. If I set all six channels to PWM generation, I find it difficult to dynamically re...

techdesk by Associate III
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