2023-05-29 7:18 AM
I'm using an STM32H725 to communicate with an i2c sensor. I'm using the I2C4 bus with the HAL DMA functions. I also enabled the BDMA channels for the rx and tx and respective interrupts. The problem is that the complete rx/tx callbacks are not triggered.
I found that this could be related to the problem described here: https://st.my.site.com/community/s/article/FAQ-DMA-is-not-working-on-STM32H7-devices
Any solutions to this problem?
2023-05-30 2:37 AM
Hello @MLuis.1 ,
First, make sure that you are using the correct address and the correct frequency for the I²C communication.
The take an oscilloscope to check the I2C_SDA and I2C_SCL behavior to define the error source.
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2023-05-30 2:41 AM
The I2C communications work fine as long as I use the IT functions or polling functions.
The problem only occurs when using DMA.
2023-05-30 3:01 AM
You should place the buffer for transmission or reception in the SRAM4.
SRAM4 region : 0x38000000 - 0x38003FFF
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2023-05-30 3:16 AM
Yes, I thought the same. Any tips on how to do that?
2023-05-30 3:47 AM
As example :
uint8_t I2C_buffer_Tx[data_size] @ 0x38001000 ;
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2023-05-30 3:52 AM
The compiler does not accept that syntax.
2023-05-30 4:04 AM
You can try with this code :
/* Buffer used for transmission */
#if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
#pragma location = 0x38000000
uint8_t I2C_buffer_Tx[1] ;
#else /* __GNUC__ or __CC_ARM */
uint8_t __attribute__((section (".RAM_D3"))) I2C_buffer_Tx[1];
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2023-05-30 4:11 AM
Still not working using uint8_t __attribute__((section (".RAM_D3"))) I2C_buffer_Tx[1];
2023-05-30 8:07 AM
which IDE do you use ?
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