Stm32h747i Disco
There appears to be very long lead times for this product. Any reason and is there any chance it will get better?
There appears to be very long lead times for this product. Any reason and is there any chance it will get better?
I need some guide on how to do the basic master send data to the slave for i2c. The question is, I need to send some data to the slave with address 0x68. Unfortunately, my start condition could not be SET and I do not know is the flow chart ...
Hi.I want to konw what changing to use from stm32h745ii to stm32h755ii in same product line.Are there changing firmware, ..., and start-up code? Thank you.
I am trying to purchase STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32H723ZG MCU, supports Arduino, ST Zio and morpho connectivity - Can anyone help me as to where i can purchase these?
Hi! I have been trying for a while now to get the STM32L432KC to transmit on a CAN bus but to no avail. I have been using a MCP2551 as tranciver and i know it works since i have gotten it to work with a STM32L476 board. The interesting part is that w...
Dear all, Sorry if my english is not clear, and let me know if something is not clear.I need help...Using an STM32L4R9i Eval and the following "modules" HW and SW : Round TFT (MB1314), touchGFX, FMC (External SRAM), DSI/MIPI (LTDC), DMA2D.I'm strug...
I've got a lot of help from people on this forum getting up to speed with STM32 controllers and the STM32 HAL libraries. Coming from the C# world, I've been kind of stubborn about trying to maintain a moderately object oriented architecture. That's b...
For example, I use 8 bit data transfer type.There are 3 types for the parity bit in totalNo parityEven parityOdd parity----------------------Even parityI'll make an assumption that Even parity looks like this:10011100The first 1 from the left is the ...
Hi Does anyone know if the chip ST32G480 is used in ACOS5 EVO - CryptoMate EVO?*Question moved @TStar.3 ,@frfse.1