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STM32 SAI in TDM-4 Mode

Hi, Im trying to connect adau1772 using TDM-4 Protocol to an STM32 MCU (L462RE).Question 1: How to configure SAI as TDM-4, is my configuration wrong?Question 2: Correct callback which occures when data packed is received?Question 3: adau1772 is putti...

SYako by Associate III
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capacitor does nut fully charge

hi I have a 1000uF capacitor and a blue pill STM32F103c8t6. I connected the positive end of cap to PB9 and the negative end to GND. then I had the code below inside while(1) loop///////////////////////////CHARGE////////////////////////////////// HAL_...

Ala by Senior
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STM32L433 IWDG wakes up from SHUTDOWN Mode

In my use-case i want to have a watch-dog active when the device is in use to prevent software stucks or accidental ending in endless loops. Therefore i have configured the IWDG like this:void hw_IWDG_Init(void){   IwdgHandle.Instance = IWDG; IwdgH...

need help understanding Vref / Vdda

I'm trying to find what voltage reference my ADC is using, as it is not going up to 0xFFF. Along the line, I have become quite confused about the Vref - I used to use other chips where the Vref is just a reference voltage for the ADC, but with STM32 ...

deep_rune by Associate III
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STM32F446 does not receive SPDIF data

Hi,I'm trying to use a STM32F446 to receive some SPDIF-data. There are no complicated things to be done with the received data, just a few simple calculations. Unfortunately I do not receive anything at the moment.I have configured the SPDIF-interfac...

HMüll.4 by Associate III
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How to disable/MASK an exti line?

Try to implement an atomtic operation to avoid a specific interrupt generated by GPIOB GPIO_PIN_8 . If using the code as below, it works.​HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); ​//atomtic operation​HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); ​But tried the code as...

BZhu.4 by Associate II
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