Hi, Im trying to connect adau1772 using TDM-4 Protocol to an STM32 MCU (L462RE).Question 1: How to configure SAI as TDM-4, is my configuration wrong?Question 2: Correct callback which occures when data packed is received?Question 3: adau1772 is putti...
hi I have a 1000uF capacitor and a blue pill STM32F103c8t6. I connected the positive end of cap to PB9 and the negative end to GND. then I had the code below inside while(1) loop///////////////////////////CHARGE////////////////////////////////// HAL_...
In my use-case i want to have a watch-dog active when the device is in use to prevent software stucks or accidental ending in endless loops. Therefore i have configured the IWDG like this:void hw_IWDG_Init(void){ IwdgHandle.Instance = IWDG; IwdgH...
Any HW or SW solution?
Hi , i have a couple of questions.Doing initialisation every first power on may cause any error or latency ?Which clock source use when RTC is powered on VBAT ?Thanks any helps
I'm trying to find what voltage reference my ADC is using, as it is not going up to 0xFFF. Along the line, I have become quite confused about the Vref - I used to use other chips where the Vref is just a reference voltage for the ADC, but with STM32 ...
We need to erase sensitive data in the field in our STM32 controlled devices. The data is stored on an SDCard. It is assumed a secure erasure of, say, a 16GB SDCard will take a long time. Guessing 30 minutes? We don't have that amount of time. We nee...
Hi,I'm trying to use a STM32F446 to receive some SPDIF-data. There are no complicated things to be done with the received data, just a few simple calculations. Unfortunately I do not receive anything at the moment.I have configured the SPDIF-interfac...
Try to implement an atomtic operation to avoid a specific interrupt generated by GPIOB GPIO_PIN_8 . If using the code as below, it works.HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); //atomtic operationHAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); But tried the code as...