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hiI am using Nucleo-H743ZI2 for Ethernet :Ethernet RMII:First TxDescribter Address: 0x30040060.First RxDescribter Address: 0x30040000.Rx Buffers Length: 1536.MPU SETUP:void MPU_Config(void) { MPU_Region_InitTypeDef MPU_InitStruct = {0};   /* Disa...
hi I am using Nucleo-H743ZI2 for Ethernet :Ethernet RMII: First TxDescribter Address: 0x30000200.First RxDescribter Address: 0x30000000.Rx Buffers Length: 1536.CortexM7 setup:LWIP:key options:LAN : Platformadd to .lwip_sec (NOLOAD) : {  . =...
I am trying to transmit (65535 bytes) 3 buffers through UART I just want to transmit all of them. the main buffer is separated into 3 DATA buffers when I tried to transmit all of them I will be able transmit only DATA1.**/* USER CODE BEGIN PD */ #def...
hello everyone I followed the AN4666 to read data from GPIOC ports triggered by timer input capture mode and save into a large buffer of uint8 in size of (510000) arrays, all I want to do is to transmit the full buffer after the reading operations i...
HiI am following the AN4666 document to receive parallel gpio data, with on clock input.this is the code I wrote : I was expecting to receive gpio data and save to memory by triggering the DMA at every rising edge my issue is that the timer (input ca...