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Forum Posts

UART DMA Rx STM32H745 with LL

Hello,I have tried implement UART Driver only with LL Library. I'm using Nucleo-H745ZIQ. Reception through DMA is not happening. Data is not getting copied to the buffer. MPU Also Configured. I'm attaching the code. Hope DMA Configuration for Rx is o...

veera1 by Associate II
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Connecting two nucleo boards using I2C.

Hello, I just started using the Nucleo board and currently I am trying to connect two Nucleo G071RB by using I2C, using one as a Master and another one as a Slave.I, however, am not able to even get a clock signal coming from the Master (measured usi...

MC.4 by Associate II
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Why would SPI send 16 bits instead of 8?

I have configured my STM32G071 SPI peripheral to transmit 8 bits with the following code:void spi_config(void) { RCC->APBENR2 |= RCC_APBENR2_SPI1EN; //Enable SPI Clock   //Configure for SPI mode (not I2S mode) SPI1->I2SCFGR &= ~SPI_I2SCFGR_I2...

SHobb.1 by Associate II
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