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I have a STM32F429, It is possible to know the batteri state ?I would like to know from RTC register or other if the battery is near the low voltage level, and needs to be replaced it ThanksStefano
Hello st community, I work on stm32F4, and I use with RTC for date time.When I write in RTC a wrong day (for example 30 Feb 2023 or 31 Apr 2023) I havent a error in the result.It is possible to ask if the data is correct ?if (HAL_RTC_SetDate(&hrtc, &...
There is the possibility to convert in binary mode with unused byte at 0xFF instead 0x00 ? 
fresult1 = f_mount(&myFATAFS, SDPath, 1) while(FR_OK != fresult1){If I remove and reinsert the SD card the f_mount return FR_DISK_ERR instead FR_OK.If I restart the project all is OK.I have the SD_CARD present pin, what can i do when the card is disc...
I have a application with STM32F429 with RTOS and SPI µSD .I have a singke task forr write in SD card and some time goes in HardFault_Handler ()It is possible thei is caused by stack overflow ?How can I check if the stack pointer goes in overflow ?Th...
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