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STM32L072CxY6 counterfeit?

Hi,I am using STM32L072CBY6/STM32L072CZY6 in one of the designs and due to non availability of stock with reputed dealers, we got couple of sample batches from lesser known distributors. Strangely all the boards that we assembled using these stock tu...

STM32F401RE not detecting

i am using nucleo board stm32f401re today i interfaced obstacle avoidance sensor with this nucleo board after few seconds the board not responding it showing as not detected i tried to to update the firmware the folder contains fail text file with SW...

SS.29 by Associate II
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STM32L4 and SPI problems

Hello,I'm trying to connect my nucleo stm32L496zg with an external ASD (ADS1259) through SPI interface using DMA. So I connected MISO MOSI SCK and a pin used as interrupt for the End of conversion.If I use SPI1 no problem, I can see continuously the ...

M4R10 by Associate III
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Using STM32L496VGY problems debugging easy project

Hello all,In a custom board I wrote a very simple code using stm32cube.When I start debugging it shows this message"Break at address "0x1fff1d66" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."After that I see the cursor in main at ...

M4R10 by Associate III
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