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Forum Posts

GPIO is disturbed by the alternate function

hello everyone,i work on stm32g071 to build a application , but i configure the PA9 for uart TX and the PA8 for the normal input that pull up by 3.3v. When start send data by the PA9 , PA8 is disturbed。But PA9 is not configured, the PA8 level is norm...

zli.2 by Associate
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eeprom write page error

Hi,I am trying to write some datato external eeprom with I2C_EEPROM_WritePage function, but it doesn't write everytime. Sometimes it can write and sometimes it can't. I am using standart peripheral I2C library and using the write page function below....

er3481 by Senior
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Delay function with TIM14 in nucleo G031K8

void TIM14_init(void){ RCC->APBENR2|=(1<<15); TIM14->PSC= 31; TIM14->SR=0; TIM14->CNT=0; TIM14->EGR|=(1<<0); } void TIM14_delay_us (int delay_us){ TIM14->ARR = delay_us; TIM14->CR1|= (1<<0); // counter enabled while (!((TIM14->SR)&1)); // wai...

0693W00000UoGKvQAN.png 0693W00000UoGKqQAN.png
Tommino by Senior
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Erasing a page of flash on STM32L476RG

Hello everybody,I'm working on an STM32L476RG. For the moment, I'm using a nucleo-476RG board.I'm trying to write and read some data in the flash memory.I'm trying to write at the address : 0x080FF800 (first address of last page of the memory).I do t...

fab04 by Associate II
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malloc or calloc allocation on stm32. I store some strings with calloc allocation and display that strings on the api text box. strings seems to be showing static on the api text box.Outputing strings are dynamic to be display on api text box.

Its the same strings showing on api text box. It does not change. But when I debug it I can see it changing and display on api (application interface) text box. Any idea about this?

cjaya.1 by Associate II
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