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Forum Posts

STM32F407 SPI1 Initialize wrong

Hello,I have problems to initialize my SPI1 interface, and send a request. My Logic Analyzer Says that, after powering without a STLink. SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi;   RFM23::RFM23() {}   bool RFM23::init() { hspi.Instance = SPI1; hspi.Init.Mode = S...

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Sany by Associate III
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Incorrect values by ADC on STM32H750

Hello!A simple setup to run the ADC1 in continuous conversion mode runs as expected, but the measured values are incorrect as inspected via the debugger console. When connecting the ADC1 input pin to GND or 3.3V volts the measured value doesn't chang...

CBrom.1 by Associate II
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Configuring Idle State for Timers

HiI have successfully managed to configure and implement a TIM4 channel 1 as a PWM channel and connect it to DMA. Upon disabling the DMA after a transmit, the output goes high - this was the default and is desired. However, I've taken this further to...

NSR by Associate III
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Resolved! Is there a maximum speed with DMA? (F446RE)

Hi, I am using DMA to generate an arbitrary waveform on PIN PA_8 using TIM1_CH1. My HCLK is at 180MHZ, APB2 timer clock at 180 MHz and APB2 peripheral clocks at 90 MHZ.Even though having this clock, when comparing the oscilloscope and the value of AR...

YSall.1 by Senior
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2 bit RTC->DR problem for STM32F767 (corrected title)

I am using STM32F767, unfortunately I have a problem with the DR register area in the RTC. Exactly the problem is with the 10th and 17th bits of this register. Setting "1" means that I am not able to change these bits to "0". Only resetting the BDCR ...

RKosst by Associate II
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