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Wanted to confirm if the input/output voltage is 3.3V or 5V depending on the I/O structure of my pin . I scoped a PWM signal with the board connected to the PC and on the dedicated pin I see the signal in  mV. I would like to send a higher voltage th...
I've wrote a code without using Hal to produce a signal on the scope but i'm not getting any signal on my pin.This is on a NUCLEO F401RE. Using TIMER3_CHANNEL1 and GPIOB for my Alternate function. #include <stdint.h>#include "stm32f4xx.h"#include "st...
All my inputs are assigned to the PWM , but by default only on rotates and if i switch one ore do another PWM it doesn't work . Don't understand why's that.Looked at both schematic and ii don't know why that's happening.
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