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Forum Posts

Resolved! I recently ported my STM32F413 (run at 100Mhz) application to a STM32H7A3 (run at 280-Mhz). But my DSP routine does not run 2.8x faster. Anyone has any idea how this happened?

I measured the time took to run a length 127 Multiply–accumulate routine by togging a GPIO pin before and after the arm_dot_prod_q15() routine. And then I can measure pulse width by a scope. It was 7us on the STM32F413 and 6us on the STM32H7A3.

nNg.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 Availability for new designs

I have several eval boards and was interested changing to ST platform prior to pandemic. Now looking at getting back to it, but checking with Mouser, Digikey, etc.. and nearly all of the STM32F4... parts I would be interested in using are still out ...

FJB2069 by Senior
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Stm32G431C8U6 SPI2 HardFault.

Hi,I am working on a project with STM32G431C8U6. My code always goes to HardFault Handler. I created a new project for testing my MCU just an easy code, code went to HardFault again. I share my ScreenShoot's please help....

Ydemi.1 by Associate
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RM0394 references to non-existing SAI2

I understand that there's a great deal of copypasting when creating RMs, but can ST please pay more attention to the details?In particular, no part described by RM0394 should have SAI2 implemented:yet there are references to SAI2 through the document...

0693W00000VOMXEQA5.png 0693W00000VOMZUQA5.png 0693W00000VOMXjQAP.png

STM32 encoder mode sample rate

Hello,I'm working on a STM32 project which use the timer in encoder mode.TIM2 of my STM32F103C8 is set in Encoder Mode, I've enabled the TIM2 global interrupt.I'm evaluating the counter at each interrupt.Prescaler is 0, Counter Period is 65535.Main c...