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I am using L476RG ST board, and I recently purchased a GM95 QR scanner that supports standard TTL-232 serial communication. UART2 is configured to work with my PC using PuTTY as an interface, but how do I receive the data from the QR scanner and disp...
I am working with a Nucleo-L476RG and I am using PuTTY as an interface using UART. I am trying to use PuTTY to read a numerical value from the user and then store that entered value in a variable. Below is how I am initializing UART to receive user ...
I am working with a Nucleo-L476RG board, and I am writing a program that generates HMAC-SHA-256 values. I want to truncate the output of the generated HMAC value to only output n amount of bits. For example, if my generated HMAC value is 80 bits, I w...
I have configured the STM32CubeExpanision_Crypto_V4.0.1 folder using the STM32CubeIDE. Within the folder is a main.c file for a SHA256 digest located in ..STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V4.0.1\Projects\NUCLEO-L476RG\Applications\Hash\SHA2_Digest\Src. With...
Is there a manual for the STM cryptographic library V4? I know the legacy V3 cryptographic library has a manual (, but I cannot find an updated manual f...
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