2011-09-30 4:15 PM
I found AN3126, which refers to ''STM32100B-EVAL demonstration firmware'', saying I ''can download this firmware and the associated user manual (UM0891) from the STMicroelectronics website www.st.com.'' I found UM0891, but I can't find the demo software anywhere!
Can anybody help with this? Thanks, #lmgtfy2011-09-30 4:38 PM
STM32100B-EVAL http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/247099.jsphttp://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/247099.jsp
Design Support -> Software & Development Tool -> FirmwareSTM32100B-EVAL demonstration firmware (UM0891) 21MB
2011-10-02 6:22 PM
Wow, thanks, that's great! It even includes a calendar and Dos FS, which I am missing! I wonder it if includes FAT32, or if I should try FatFs instead?
Now, let's see if I'm good enough to modify this for a CL line chip.:)2018-12-18 2:44 AM
I tried to follow the link, but always end up with "error 403 forbidden".
Is the link still active or does anybode know, where I can find the STM32100B-EVAL demonstration firmware UM0891? (audio demonstration of SDcard + DAC)
Kind regards
2018-12-18 7:08 AM
This is a seven year old thread, use Google, it's what I do
2018-12-18 7:48 AM
Great, thanks a lot! It is the only example I am aware of, which shows SDcard + Audio. Let's see how it works on a STM32F7, with proper audio DAC. Kind regards and appreciate the support. KK
2018-12-18 8:18 AM
You know there are current examples in the CubeF1 library for this board, and for F7 devices in the CubeF7 libraries? Reading data blocks from a MicroSD w/FATFS and shoveling out an interface shouldn't be unduly hard with the BSP and Middleware examples.
2023-03-08 11:29 PM
Thanks Tesla, this several times that I have received your support, as from St Clive; it is just so encouraging that guys like you and St Clive tale the time to share their hard earned knowledge with the rest of us struglers.
Bye the way, I just can't help asking: Is 'Tesla' a 'nom de plume' or a parental choice?
Again Tesla, thank you,
Peter Kelly. (Australia)