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Forum Posts

Resolved! relocation of main source and IRQ vector stm32f103

hello! I'm working on stm32f103 and I found one problem which has a weird solution. In my project, I have a bootloader and main source. I use the 0x800000 address to start the bootloader and 0x8008200 to begin my main project (the bootloader jumps to...

eabul.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! RTC ICSR_INITF (init flag) doesn't set! NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q

Hello friends! The thing is I have been trying to start the RTC, enable backup domain in PWR, Connect RTC to the bus, set the INIT bit - so far so good, the Ivoid RTC_init(void){ RCC->APB3ENR |= (RCC_APB3ENR_RTCAPBEN); //Power the RTC up PWR->DBPR...

Skfir by Senior
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Hard fault in HAL_Dealy API

I am getting hard fault in access the HAL_Delay API.PFA for call stackcan anyone help me on this problemthanks.hard fault-->forced hard fault -- undefined instruction error.

kchin.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Problem changing PWM Frequency on the Fly

Greetings,I am using STM32L151RET6 controller. I have selected timer 5 for square wave generation. Frequency to timer 5 is 1MHz. I am starting to generate 10Hz square wave and increment the value by every 10Hz. After reaching 430 Hz pwm output is cor...

Resolved! Timer base event without interrupt

Hello everyone,I got a time1 on STM32F103C8 running at 72Mhz with settings:If I used an interrupt, I would get callback every 30 seconds, however I want to do basically same using polling method, is there a register or a HAL function I can use to che...


Configure SPI or I2C for continuous clock

In our STM32L5 based design we are using HSI16 to drive some clocks (SPI1). one way to route HSI16 clock is through MCO. is there any other way we can route this clock. 1. Can we configure I2C or SPI1 to route its clock on some GPIOs ?2.Continuous wr...

PCTM by Associate
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Hi, I am using STM32L4P5 discovery kit to find out current consumption in different ADC configuration, i.e 12 bit, 14 bit & 16 bit resolution achieved using oversampling. May I know why the current consumption is same in different ADC configuration

Above table shows the observations made. I would like to know if there is any internal architecture of MCU which is governing same current consumption.I have attached code snippet for 14 bit configuration.References: User Manual UM2651: DataSheet: ST...

Shru2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F100 ADC Sample Rate

The datasheet and ref manual only mention that the conversion time is 1.2 us but this is not enough to find the sample rate. All other stm32 products mention that explicitly, why not this one?

AAlsa.1 by Associate II
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