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Jump to application. STM32F051 vs STM32L151 (M0 to M3)

Associate III
Associate III

Hi all,

Here a method , writed with mikroC, to jump to application.

It works for STM32F051, it doesn't for STM32L151

Could you help me ?


void Set_VectorsCodes(unsigned long SP,unsigned long PC) 
  unsigned int x2;
  unsigned long *ptr=VECT_PG_ADDR+8,x4,y4;
  if(x4!=SP || y4!=PC )
    /* following codes works for STM32F051
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR, 0x48014685);  
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+4, 0x48014700); 
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+8, SP);
    // those codes doesn't work for STM32L151
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR,  0xA4046012);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+4, 0xA4046811);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+8, 0x46984612);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+12, 0x68084700);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+16, SP);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+20, PC);
    #ifdef OLED
    Display_LineCode(5,"SP: ",VALUETYPE_HEXA32,SP,0);
    Display_LineCode(6,"PC: ",VALUETYPE_HEXA32,PC,0);

My application is at 0x400 (before calling "Set_VectorsCodes" it had minimum led flash function), my bootloader at 0x5B000 ( asm codes at VECT_PG_ADDR=0x5FF00 )

If I look at registers, I can see PC is in bootloader area (soft freeze as soon I try to launch it)

Thanks for help

ST Employee

Hello @JFELI.13​,

I suggest you refer to this article : How to switch from one STM32 to another using STM32CubeMX


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Associate III

I tried it -and it's usefull for some needs- but there is nothing to do with my problem.

If the purpose is to change MikroC to STMCube , the BIG problem should be to convert a large code !

So, I recommend you to start a new STM32 project base on STM32CubeIDE and then copy, paste it on your new project.


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The CM0 doesn't have a SCB->VTOR, for the STM32F0 what you need to do is carve out a small area, say 192-bytes at the base of RAM (0x20000000)

Copy/Create the vector table there, and then REMAP the ZERO address where the VECTORS are to map/shadow the 0x20000000 region.

I'll look for some example / IAP code, but basically SYSCFG clock gets enabled and MEMRMP or something similar. Look at the REFERENCE MANUAL

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    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR,  0xA4046012);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+4, 0xA4046811);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+8, 0x46984612);
    FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+12, 0x68084700);

What do these code do?



#if   (defined ( __CC_ARM ))
__IO uint32_t VectorTable[48] __attribute__((at(0x20000000)));
#elif (defined (__ICCARM__))
#pragma location = 0x20000000
__no_init __IO uint32_t VectorTable[48];
#elif defined   (  __GNUC__  )
__IO uint32_t VectorTable[48] __attribute__((section(".RAMVectorTable")));
  /* Relocate by software the vector table to the internal SRAM at 0x20000000 ***/
  /* Copy the vector table from the Flash (mapped at the base of the application
     load address 0x08004000) to the base address of the SRAM at 0x20000000. */
  for(i = 0; i < 48; i++)
    VectorTable[i] = *(__IO uint32_t*)(APPLICATION_ADDRESS + (i<<2));
  /* Enable the SYSCFG peripheral clock*/
  /* Remap SRAM at 0x00000000 */

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I think you're wright

I tried to use VTOR with some values and obsevre it changed the PC register value so it should be interesting to look at it.

I'm french speaking/writing so here I'm trying to clarify what you wrote:

First I need to create an array (here "VectorTable") starting at 0x20000000 and copy values from flash (my application is at 0x400 so I need to copy to 0x0800400 ?).

No, I don't think you mean this because my bin file contain vectors SP PC from application at (applicationAdress-8) . I merge bootloader file with application file so bootloader vectors are at 0x0 and 0x4 and application vectors are at ApplicationAdress+8

Here is my adresses values

#define BOOTLOADER_ADRESS 0x5B000  
#define VECT_PG_ADDR      0x5FF00  
#define PROGRAM1_ADDR     0x400    
#define PROGRAM2_ADDR     0x2E000 
#pragma orgall BOOTLOADER_ADRESS

I call the "Set_VectorsCodes" like this

unsigned long SP2,PC2,*ptr;  
StartingAdress=0x400-8; // (for example)

Associate III

Thos code are assembler codes ... and are completely wrong �� (gived by chatgpt)

The should be probably

        FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR, 0x46854801);
        FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+4, 0x47004801);
        FLASH_Write_Word(VECT_PG_ADDR+8, SP2);