I am using a U585QI and have some external flash memory connected to an OCTOSPI. We are having some intermittent failures with it, and since we're powering the processor with 1.8v I want to try enabling HSLV for the Data/Clock lines. I found HAL_GP...
Hi,I want to use a lorawan device with my stm32 l053r8 microcontroller.To do this, i reset the lora module initially. In Response I should get the firmware version of the device, but i receive only parts of the string, e.g. some bytes between the st...
I'm trying to use the TSC on the STM32L476rg board. I've been able to view the value on the watch window on Keil and using stmstudio. Now how do I store the values obtained into a text file on my computer along with the timestamp of each reading?
I'm using the Nucleo32L031 board connected to a Adafruit TCA9548A 1:8 multiplexer board. I have the board setup properly, Vcc = 3.3, GND, SCA and SCL pins double checked. I have a Sparkfun TMP102 temp sensor board connected to the TCA9548A's port0.I ...
I wrote a simple GPIO driver for Nucleo-l432kc board I used one GPIO.c file and multiple headers for RCC GPIO ..etcI added the main method in the same file GPIO.c and it worked fine now I moved the main function to another file main.c (to isolate the...
STM32G030C8T6 has maximum critical crystal transconductance (gm) is 1.5 mA/V.Crystal specifications that are mentioned in application note(page14) gmcrit = 0.23 mA/V with this gain margin > 5. But I checked many crystals datasheet but I am not able t...
Hi,i want to utilize an unknown number of SPI slaves which will send and receive e.g. a byte of data each. patching them together has to be as easy as plugging an ethernet cable BUT some data is used by multiple slaves.Let's say I have a maximum of 3...
Hi I am trying to initialize TIM2 to get a PWM outpt from PA15 of my STM32F407 development board. Here is my TIM init function:void TIMConfig (void) { /*************>>>>>>> STEPS FOLLOWED <<<<<<<<************ 1. Enable the TIM2 clock 2. Set clock ...