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Currently i am writing my own MCAL drivers for G4 MCU's and i dont understand interrupts for timer channels 5&6. Lets assume Timer 1 where you can check interrupt status of CC of channels 5&6 in TIMx_SR on bits 16&17. But there is no mention about ac...
Hello!So after few frustrating hours (as usually with ST), i reached the state when i found that CRC peripheral on STM32G4 (at least) DOES NOT SUPPORT DMA. Like are you kidding me? Is it for real? First of all i could not find a DMA request for CRC. ...
Hi!I have started with creating CMake build system for my project. I am using libraries generation in each folder and linking together where needed. Compilation is successfull. The problem is indexer. :Any ideas how to solve this problem without dupl...
Hello all, in whole datasheet for VN7050AJ is not mention about default state of pins SEL0 and SEL1, but there is information that those pins can be left unconnected. Is there an internal pull-down resistor which selects current sense for CS output? ...
Hello all, i am trying to make an offset for my application to have a start of flash for bootloader. So i set up an offset in linker file, so instead of 0x08000000 to 0x0804B000 and vector table offset during startup. But the problem is that i am una...
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