2023-05-17 04:48 PM
Hi guys,
i would like to ask you about accessing FMC bank2. Currently i have connected SRAM to bank1 and LCD to bank2 but i cannot access bank2. Also i cannot find location of bank2 in memory map in reference manual.
Currently it looks like bank2 is no usable but it doesnt make any sense.
Many thanks for your help.
2023-05-18 09:25 AM
Are you sure it's BANK2, what pin?
BANK1 has 4 decode sub-ranges, 64MB
0x60000000 [1]
0x64000000 [2]
0x68000000 [3]
0x6C000000 [4]
BANK3 has one at 0x80000000
2023-05-18 11:19 AM
Many thanks!
meanwhile i have found it also. But what i dont understand is is hard fault error when reading from LCD. I have used display generator from CubeMx. Currently i am using ILI9488 and driver is for ili9341 but those LCD controllers are same only resolution is different. The hard fault is generated while initializing LCD. Even ID is not possible to read.
Did anyone tried to play with it?
2023-05-18 12:07 PM
the accessing address is 0x6a000000 while getting hard fault. Data width is 16b and RS is connected to A24.
Many thanks
2023-05-18 02:25 PM
So it looks that CubeMx has another bug. The bank memory address shall not be 0x6A000000 but 0x65000000 because:
FMC register start: 0x6000 0000,bank offset is 0x4000000 and addr 24 with 16b data width (shifted by 1 to left) is 0x1000000.
But i still cannot read ID from display but somehow i am able to turn on and off display.