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Hello, I have an STM32L4R9ZI controller connected to a computer running Windows 10. I have a custom protocol where the computer sends a command and my controller responds. I am using VCP to achieve this. The communication is established and operation...
Hello, I am facing a strange issue. I have a SMBUS battery and a LTC4100 battery charger chip connected to the micro controllers I2C1 configured as SMBUS. The charger has address 0x12 and the battery has 0x16. All communication is going correctly and...
In the target voltage I can see not detected. I have removed the ribbon cable and have connected using jumpers now, pins in the following manner:1 - VDD7 - SWDIO9 - SWCLK3, 6 - GNDI don't know what is going wrong with the ISOL version of the STLINK v...