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Hi,I am using Nucleo-F207ZG development board and trying to make it as keyboard type device.I have changed 0x01 in 'USBD_HID_CfgFSDesc' And also changed 'HID_MOUSE_ReportDesc' for keyboard.I have attached screen shot of .ioc fie settings, please guid...
Hi,I am using STM32F207 series microcontroller and I am using ethernet using LWIP version 2.0.3.Also after LWIP init(), I am doing to initializing the tcp server.(means created TCP server within stm32)When ethernet cable is connected with the PC, the...
Hi,STM32F2xxx data send/receive stop working after sometime over TCP.Ping also stop at same time and goes into hard fault error.Is it because of any memory or buffer size limitation? in KEY options of LWIP.Please suggest to resolve the issue.
I have below questions:1. Using NRST pin make LOW which flag would be SET in firmware? 2. If we do board power ON and OFF, which flag would be SET in firmware? 
Hello,I am using custom hardware of STM32F207ZG.I have created custom bootloader and one simple application.Bootloader start address of flash location is 0x8000000.Application start address of flash location is 0x8040000.From the ethernet i am trying...