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Hello, i need help with my stm32h745i-disco. I use usart3 in PB10 and PB11 (which is used for vcp by default in arduino pin) and i cannot send or receive any data using that, is there any settings should i check? im using default HAL_UART_Transmit an...
I use PC3_C pin as an GPIO_Input, but when i debug it is flickering between 1 and 0 even without any connection to the pin. anyone knows what happened?this is the setup i useGPIO_InitStruct.Pin = Emergency_Pin;GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;G...
I have stm32h745i-disco for my project and use PA0_C and PC_3 for output. and when i use usual HAL_GPIO_WritePin() it is not working. Should i change something to make it work? Please help 
Hello, i have stm32h745i for my project but unfortunately the SDRAM itself is not enough to handle my gui program.I use lvgl and squareline studio to make gui. I have thought that maybe if i can reduce the color depth from 32 to 16 will reduce my mem...
I use stm32h745i-disco for work, and want to use dual core system. one for lvgl display, and the other for pn532 rfid, which is needed to communicate each other. anyone have experience about this? pls help