For testing purpose i am transmitting an array of 8 bytes with . But still the FIFO transmit ERROR flag in HISR is always getting set. Please do help!
Hi,The stm32u5's internal flash has feature "10 kcycles endurance on all Flash memory. 100 kcycles on 256 Kbytes per bank".Please advise the memory address of "100 kcycles on 256 Kbytes per bank".Thanks,QiZhang
I create a simple blocking delay timer using simple looping and run in STM32H7a3ii. The program was linear, no code optimization, no interrupt. Without any changes of the blocking delay timer function, i found that when the blocking delay timer place...
As per datasheet pin 2 and pin 3 are OSC32_IN and OSC32_OUT pins I want to connect a 8MHZ crystal and was looking for OSC_IN and OSC_OUT pins, but could not find any info regarding them, can the OSC32_IN and OSC32_OUT pins be used for connecting the ...
hi im using stm32f103c6t6 arm controller printf is not working i followed steps which provided a peace of code attached.
I am trying to use I2C and SPI communications at the same time, where I2C is interrupt driven and SPI is DMA based. Separately they work fine, but they fail when put together. On the Nucleo-32 F303K8 I am using pins PB7(SDA)/PB6(SCL).and SPI is using...
Hello, please help me with crystal:ABM3B-26.000MHZ-10-1-U-TIs it connectd correctly? It's not working at all. Never seen one pin connetcion like RCC_CK_IN_PA0.