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ADC1 clocked @ 65 MHz, pre-scaler of 8, 7 channels active, 640.5 cycles/conversion, 256 oversampling, interrupts, scan mode. The numbers suggest all channels will be converted 1x in (8/65000000) * 640.5 * 7 * 256 = 141 ms. But when I look at uwTick b...
STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1, Windows, STM32H563 MCU When MX_ADC2_Init() generated by saving IOC file I get the wrong sampling time and rank for Vddcore. The IOC file shows 640.5 cycles and rank 3 but MX_ADC2_Init() shows 2.5 cycles and rank 1:   /** * @bri...
Using STM32CubeIDE (v1.14.0) with STM32F042F6P7 (TSSOP 20) to configure CAN pins on custom board. However the CAN peripheral is grayed-out when I open the IOC file in STM32CubeIDE. For pin assignments, PB8 is available for CAN rx but CAN tx is not sh...
Running STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0 with X--CUBE-FREERTOS/CMSIS RTOS2.Earlier I added tasks. Now I am unable to add tasks consistently; occasionally works, but usually fails. No problem deleting. Looks like... Anyone seen this?
I have an STM32H563 communicating on I2C4 @ 1 MHz (fast-mode plus) to an I/O expander with no problem. However when I add a temp sensor (TI TMP175) to the same bus, communication doesn't work for the TMP175. The TMP175 communicates > 400 KHz only if ...