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B-G473E-ZEST1S + power board

I recently saw your presentation of HSO in motor control.I have a couple of questions:1) Is the HSO algorithm implementable in the B-G431ESC board? (It seems to me no..)2) I have a 48V motor and about 20-30A rms which is obviously not controllable by...

luke514 by Senior
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IAP Jump to application not working

Hello, IAP have problem that jump to app.MCU : Stm32f303cbt6 - boot sidea. STM32F303CBTX_FLASH.ldb. main.h  - app sidea. STM32F303CBTX_FLASH.ldb. system_stm32f3xx.c Thanks. 

TaronKim_0-1730683594916.png TaronKim_1-1730683631898.png TaronKim_3-1730683694730.png TaronKim_2-1730683661036.png
TaronKim by Associate II
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STM32L552ZET6Q Sleep Mode Issue?

Hello,    We are using STM32L552ZET6Q MCU in our project. Here we are using only 3 UART Pheripherals, 2 LED output GPIOs.    Here We attached the CUBEMX .ioc file of the our project. After the code generation from the STM32CUBEMX, we complete our's o...


Resolved! STM32F103x8 pin compatible or LQFP48 alternative

Hi all,I've a board with the STM32F103C8T6 MCU.My firmware has to handle a lot of IO, display and UART logic, nothing special but just a lot of logic.So the 64K b internal flash memory is almost full.I've a couple of question here:1) can i switch to ...

VBAT Backup Power Supply External battery

I'm designing a custom PCB using the STM32F407G-DISC1 board as a reference, with the goal of meeting EMI/EMC standards. However, my design includes a VBAT connection from external battery that the reference board doesn't have. Can you advise on best ...


Resolved! CAN Communication Issue

Hi, I am using STM32F446RE Nucleo and a Peak CAN Usb to test the CAN functionality of the microcontroller. I have connected the Microcontroller to a CAN Transceiver (TJA1050) and added a 120ohm resistor between the CANH and CANL line. I have attached...

rider7 can't change hex file

I'm working on various examples using rider7. However, sometimes I encounter unexplained errors. The issue is that the hex file doesn't change. It seems like there might be garbage values in the hex file, as nothing works. Even if I change the main.c...

sa11 by Associate
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