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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F410: ITRx "reserved"?

Hi guys,can someone please explain the internal trigger connections for the stm32f410 controllers to me?According to the referance manual (RM0401, see below) only TIM1 and TIM5 can be configured as slave timers with just ONE possible internal trigger...


Powering STM through USB-C port

Hi,I want to power a STM32Ux based board using USB-C port. I am required to use two numbers of  a Type-A to USB-C type of cable and also it should support USB-C to USB-C type of cable in OR ring. Max load current of the board is less 1.5A. I am looki...

SKCL-1 by Associate
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Resolved! Is there IR TV remote project example with TIM16 and TIM17 ?

Hello, I am looking for very old STM32CubeIDE project example for IR TV remote control to see how TIM16 and TIM17 are set up and controlled.I am not interested in manuals and instructions: better one time to see then read about it 100 time and not ge...

GS2 by Senior
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USB only working in debug mode

Hi  I am working on an STM32L433 using STM32IDE. When running in debug mode, the USB CDC is recognized when plugging in the cable (into Windows 10 and 11) . But when I compile as release mode the USB isn't recognized . I am using the HAL for USB . An...

STM32F469I-Disco board all dimensions

Dear Team,We are using the ST32F469I-DISCO development board and are currently designing an extension board to pair with it. For proper alignment, we need the precise dimensions of the Arduino headers, the expansion headers, and the mounting holes. T...

Its1 by Associate
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STM32f401rct6 rcc cr register

Hi, noob here.I have a problem with the cr register, that's when I open the hse and Pll bite the ready register always been 0, if I need another operation? the output from the cr rigister is always value: 1000000010101101110000011. Thanks for your ti...

Shevshy by Associate
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What does hysteresis mean

In a datasheet for STM32F303K8, page 77::How does the Schmitt trigger hysteresis work here? When the input transitions from low to high, should the value of hysteresis be added to the minimum high level input voltage, or does it say that the pin will...

Zrzut ekranu 2024-10-17 093318.png
Adar70 by Associate II
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