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Forum Posts

STM32U575 Bank1 Flashing Problem from Bank2

I am trying to do OTA programming modifications using the DUAL bank feature of my STM32U575 IC with 1Mbyte of memory.I have successfully done this when the program starts in BANK 1 and I reflash BANK 2. I change the User Option byte to OB_SWAP_BANK_E...

Resolved! STM32F417VGT VCAP Voltage Problem

Hi everyone!I am having a hard time making my design work.I prepared a long list of what I did and what I observed to paste into ChatGPT.I am pasting the exact text below:I designed an digital circuit using STM32F417VGT microcontroller.I applied 3.3V...

SalihKun by Associate II
  • 12 replies
  • 5 kudos

emmc interfacing with NUCLEO board

I’m interfacing the STM32H755ZI-Q Nucleo board with an MTFC8GAMALNA-AAT eMMC. What configurations are necessary for this interfacing? I’m also getting warnings in the RCC configurations. Could you guide me on the settings needed for SDMMC1 and FATFS,...

sai1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Questions about SPI6 and BDMA

We are trying to transmit data using SPI6 and BDMA.When we perform the following process, we are able to transmit 1 byte + 1 bit of data, but after that, MISO outputs High no matter what the value of the transmitted data is. What is wrong with this? ...

Resolved! Ext. Interrupt conflict on STM32H7 ?

Hello, I'm using H723 Nucleo. I set 5 ext interrupt pins: PA0, PA1, PA4, PC2_C, and PC13 as EXTI to 5 switches, enabled NVIC interrupt, GPIO pull-up,  interrupt with rising edge triggered, and tied these 5 pins to switches with the other end to groun...