Resolved! What does "H3" encode in the part STM32L083RZH3?
I want to replace STM32L083RZH6 with STM32L083RZH3 and I suppose it's safe, but I cannot find information about the difference in the Datasheet.
I want to replace STM32L083RZH6 with STM32L083RZH3 and I suppose it's safe, but I cannot find information about the difference in the Datasheet.
NUCLEO-H723ZGI would like to have a triggered Arbitrary waveform from a Timer. A defined pattern should be generated, after a Trigger from another Timer.The arbitrary pattern works well by DMA, but i cannot trigger it. It's also possible to let it ru...
I am using STM32H503.I want to receive only incoming ids as 0x222 using masking .If set like the code below, IDs other than 0x222 are also entered into the rx callback function. Is there something wrong with the masking process?FDCAN_FilterTypeDef sF...
Dear, FDCAN does not work.Please advise if there is any problem in the entire code below.The set clock of FDCAN is 48Mhz and each setting is as follows.When the code is executed, Tx is transmitted once every 4 seconds in the while loop.However, if Tx...
I'm wondering whether there is a DMA channel to transfer a received message from the CAN fifo to a memory location. Is it possible at all to get DMA working with the CAN controller?Kind regards,Stefan
I am expecting there must be a similar callback function like HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback, HAL_UART_TxHalfCpltCallback in case of using UARTs when using DMA-burst for generating arbitrary waveforms with PWM in order to be able to update the memory buffer...
Hello,When I m using more thant 2 TPDOs (configured with the OD_editor), the 2 first TPDOs are sent and then, nothing happens.In CO_CANsend I have the error CO_ERROR_TX_OVERFLOW. If i only use 2 TPDOs, it works perfectly.When i put a breakpoint befor...
Is the B-G474-DPOW1 demo board source code available for download?