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Forum Posts

HRTIM single shot burst generation

Is it possible to configure HRTIM to generate single burst of "n" pulses (triggered by external signal) ?It is simple to do with advanced timers (TIM1, TIM8). Just enable "one-shot" mode, set repetition counter to "n", set period and compare channel ...

I want use ADC on stm32f030k6t6 with two channel, and using DMA to set regular value, I config it in stm32cubemx,but I don't know how to start conversion and wait conversion stop correctly, I need someone help or some example, in LL library, thanks.

in generated code, I don't find dma set memory address, so I add uint16_t regular_data[2];   ...... LL_DMA_ConfigAddresses(DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1, LL_ADC_DMA_GetRegAddr(ADC1, LL_ADC_DMA_REG_REGULAR_DATA), (uint32_t...

eyan.11 by Associate
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How to debug Timer interrupt

Hi all, Is there any method to debug timer interrupts using VSCode? I am currently using the STM32G4 series. it would be really nice if anyone can point out a way to debug.I am using OpenOCD. Thanks Roshan

Roshan by Associate III
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cubeIDE, stm32F407ZGT6 with HAL. Config. generated by IOC. SEGGER J-Link debugger. Most basic program w/ 1 GPIO pin driving a LED based on HAL_SysTicks. HSE 12 MHz.HCLK 168 MHz.(or any other freq. same behavior).

Problem: During HALL_Init(), when executing macro __HAL_RCC_SYSCFG_CLK_ENABLE() the interrupt vector table is overwriten w/ garbage.At first interrupt generated by TimeBase (SysTicks) debugger gets a SIGTRAP @ 0x1fff3744 outside of program code. Int...

JIVAN.1 by Associate
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