Unable to connect to STM32L151 devices
After powering STM32L151V8T6A device, I can't connect to the device. I try to connect by SWD or JTAG without success. Connect under reset doesn’t help. How can I connect the device?
After powering STM32L151V8T6A device, I can't connect to the device. I try to connect by SWD or JTAG without success. Connect under reset doesn’t help. How can I connect the device?
Hi,I had a doubt regarding the timer interrupt stop function.if(isOpen_Unload == 1){ HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI15_10_IRQn); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); Start_Motor(1); HAL_Delay(5000); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI15_10_IRQn); HAL_TIM_Base_Start_...
According to the STM32U585 documentation, there is supposed to be a SP1 clock mux selection register, but none is described in the latest programming manual.Does anyone have any idea on what bits I need to set in which register to select the MSIK clo...
NUCLEO-L4R5ZI board, CN12 header: Pin76 = PG7, pin66 = PG8.SB130 and SB131 have been removed from the board. config PG7, PG8 as GPIO output pins, but cannot toggle these two pinsHere is the code: GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure = {0}; __HAL_RCC...
My PWM and DMA configurations shown in below image and I wrote a simple code to start pwm. As you see below, I set a gpio output pin and after that pwm starting. PWM period has setted to 20ms. What I except, I except start pwm after a few us gpio ...
I'm working with the STM32L476G-EVAL board. I flashed a hello world app onto it, but now I'd like to get back to the beautiful demo app that came with the board. I found the DEMO area of the Sfirmware v1.17.2, but It's a little thin on the instructio...
my code as follows#include <hackflight.h> #include <boards/stm32f/stm32f4.h> #include <core/mixers/fixedpitch/quadxbf.h> #include <core/pids/angle.h> #include <debug.h> #include <escs/dshot.h> #include <imus/softquat.h> #include <sbus.h> #include...
I need to fill certain RAM (buffer) locations with known values (i.e. compressed audio) during a CubeIDE debug session. I thought there was a way to load values into RAM while the program was stopped at a breakpoint. But I can't seem to find this too...
I have a simple function that reads one byte from I2C and I need the RxdFlag variable to be cleared in case of unsuccessful transfer (timeout) and I don't know how to get it from the HAL_StatusTypeDef structure. Thanx for your help.uint8_t GetSlaveI...
Hello everyone!I have set the Vbat measurement enabled flag, unsoldered the SB50 bridge and try to measure the voltage on the Vbat pin. The thing is the range seems to be strange. When I tie Vbat to GND, the ADC shows about 5000. Shouldn't the number...