Hi I am using STM32F407 discovery board. Trying to receive string with USART2 interrupt in this video.Here is my usart2 receive and interrupt codes:uint8_t receiveUart(void) { uint8_t rxData = 0; // IF THERE IS DATA IN THE RECEIVE DATA REGISTER...
Hello,I am working on STM32G474. I want to operate PWM using GPIO. Below code works find for me. but the issue is that after triggering PWM to stop (only output will be stopped and counter remains working), the PWM of timer 1 takes almost 1.2 seconds...
I work on STM32G0B0. This picture is correct from reference manual?For BANK1 appears to be correct, but for BANK2, numbering starts from 256 to 383 which I guess id wrong. Shall be 128...255.Asking because also FLAHSH->CR, PNB appears to be wrong too...
Dear Sir,we have a part STM32F205VGT6TR which device marking format not matched to datasheet mentioned, would you check is it has PCN for this change or help to explain which one will be correct, thanks
The datasheet states two things about HSI16:Accuracy in the full temperature range: -2/+1.5%HSI16 frequency user trimming step: +0.3% - positive steps, -3.8% and -6% - three negative steps.The questions are:With the mentioned calibration step values ...
Hello.I would like to know the correct procedure to program mcu in this case. I have four outputs as timer PWM output (1,4,5,8), one as GPIO(6) input and one as GPIO(7) output. I have ST-Link 2 (SWDIO,SWCLK,NRST) for programming. I'm not sure what to...