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Steval-Proteus 1 Data Logging Projects from Git Hub Do Not Work

Senior III


I used Git Hub to download:

1. I then built all projects error free with STM32CubeIDE. 

2. I then used my STlink MINIE to program my Steval Proteus1 with STEVAL-PROTEUS1_ISM330DHCX

3. I started Terra Terminal and connected to the USB-Serial CH340 (COM9) set to 115200 8, none, 1

4. I didn't get any response.

5. I entered the debugger and found that the project was stalling on line 581 main.c: HAL_Delay(10);





static void ism330dhcx_initialize_basics() { /* Check device ID */ whoamI = 0; do { /* Wait sensor boot time */ HAL_Delay(10); /* Stalled here - no systick interrupts?? */ ism330dhcx_device_id_get(&dev_ctx, &whoamI); } while (whoamI != ISM330DHCX_ID); /* Restore default configuration */ ism330dhcx_reset_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); do { ism330dhcx_reset_get(&dev_ctx, &rst); } while (rst); /* Start device configuration. */ ism330dhcx_device_conf_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); }




6. I then tried the other Proteus project: STEVAL-PROTEUS1_IIS3DWB

Similar problems.


I got rid of HAL_Delay with time delay loops, but it never got past: if (drdy) {



while (1) { uint8_t wtm_flag = 0, status2 = 0; uint16_t num = 0; if (drdy) { /* Reset data ready contition */ drdy = 0; ism330dhcx_read_reg(&dev_ctx, ISM330DHCX_FIFO_STATUS2, &status2, 1); wtm_flag = status2 >> 7; if (wtm_flag) {



Can anyone help here?

Best regards
