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Forum Posts

How to trigger ADC from TIM1 internally?

Hi All,I am using STM32F410RB chip.I want to make launch adc from timer periodically.From reference manual (RM0401) ADC can be triggered from TIM1_CH1 event.On figure 49 the only connection from TIM1 to ADC is TRGO.And from the same figure this TRGO ...

JSmit.11 by Associate II
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Distorted measurement ADC

Hi,on STM32F303 I use ADC with DMA (12 bit), I measure signals on 3 channels + Vrefin.The input signal is pure sine wave 50 Hz (I can see it on scope). But when I measure it with ADC, so there is distored sine wave, I tried to change SAMPLING TIME, a...

JR2963 by Senior II
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How to enable on-board temperature sensor on STM32G491

On STM32G491 (and family) MCUs the on-board temperature sensor can be read by ADC1 or ADC5 to provide junction temperature.RM0440 Rev 7 informs us:In order to read the temperature sensor we must "wake" it from power-down mode by setting the VSENSESEL...

JBend.6 by Associate III
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Trigger HRTIM capture via SW (i.e. EXTI event)

I use the HAL to setup multiple HRTIM timers on a STM32G4 and I would like to trigger a simultaneous capture across them using software (the reasons for this are complex but it needs to be a simultaneous capture).Currently I have a GPIO output pin lo...

Hi, I've purchased an STM32H723ZG Nucleo Board to evaluate and test the potential of the onboard DAC. The max sampling time for the STM32H72x with the max bus speed at 137.5MHz is 51.1Msps as described in the AN4566 but I can't reach them.

I'm trying to generate a 1.2 MHz sine burst using the DAC, DMA and Timers. Everything works fine but only up to 200-250KHz then increasing the frequency the amplitude begins to decrease.Moreover I've managed to reach about 25Msps and it seems impossi...

MZ.NG by Associate
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