Hi All,I am using STM32F410RB chip.I want to make launch adc from timer periodically.From reference manual (RM0401) ADC can be triggered from TIM1_CH1 event.On figure 49 the only connection from TIM1 to ADC is TRGO.And from the same figure this TRGO ...
Hi,on STM32F303 I use ADC with DMA (12 bit), I measure signals on 3 channels + Vrefin.The input signal is pure sine wave 50 Hz (I can see it on scope). But when I measure it with ADC, so there is distored sine wave, I tried to change SAMPLING TIME, a...
On STM32G491 (and family) MCUs the on-board temperature sensor can be read by ADC1 or ADC5 to provide junction temperature.RM0440 Rev 7 informs us:In order to read the temperature sensor we must "wake" it from power-down mode by setting the VSENSESEL...
I use the HAL to setup multiple HRTIM timers on a STM32G4 and I would like to trigger a simultaneous capture across them using software (the reasons for this are complex but it needs to be a simultaneous capture).Currently I have a GPIO output pin lo...
In Getting_started_with_EXTI there is an error:NucleoFL476RG -> NucleoL476RG
Here is my code, but its not working correctly void DelayMicros(uint32_t micros) { uint32_t multiplier; multiplier = SystemCoreClock / 4000000; micros = micros * multiplier - 10; /* 4 cycles for one loop */ while (micros--)...
I'm trying to generate a 1.2 MHz sine burst using the DAC, DMA and Timers. Everything works fine but only up to 200-250KHz then increasing the frequency the amplitude begins to decrease.Moreover I've managed to reach about 25Msps and it seems impossi...