I am using the B-U585I-IOT02A discovery kit with the STM32U585AI chip. Attempting to set the system clock value in STM Cube to anything that would result in voltage scaling above PWR_REGULATOR_VOLTAGE_SCALE4 results in a timeout and thus failure in t...
Hello,A product I'm working on requires communicating with an FPGA over an 8 bit data + 24 bit address bus.To support a legacy design with the least possible changes I need the bus to toggle at 43.75 MHz.All I need is single (non-burst) address acces...
im using pc8 as a reset pin and ive check it with a logic analyzer and wen its initalized it drops low then goes back to high before im calling my function to drop it low btw im using saleae logic 2 void reset_pin_init(void){ //PC8 RCC->AHB1ENR |= ...
In my code i first setup the sim7600 using blocking mode and later switch to dma. But in blocking mode I'm having trouble receiving data over uart. Using a nucleo it sometimes works very reliably and other times doesn't work at all or it only receive...
I refuse to purchase a $40 chip for over $400 dollars so will not purchase on current market. I based an entire product line on the STM32H757 and now I cannot buy them so the real question is, should I move to a different processor?
Hi everyoneI'm a student and I'm totally new to stm32 controllersI spend two weeks trying connecting stm32l431rct6 to w5500 but I failedcan any one guide me to a tutorial or some videos that I can use ? or can anyone help methank you
Hi,I found this in datasheet But we config SDRAM at 120MHz, because we are running at 480MHz.(480MHz / 2 / 2 = 120MHz).I am thinking the datasheet is for STM32H7xx 400MHz, because when I config SDRAM at 120MHz, the system works fine without issue.Doe...