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Forum Posts

Nucleo PD "pass through" charging?

Is there a reference design/app note for "pass through" power delivery chargers/battery packs with these MCUs? IOW I'd like my design to do the following; -If connected to mains power/a small solar panel, charge the batteries while powering the load....

USB CDC communication

Hi all, I am trying to USB CDC communication with my STM32 nucleo board. I want to send consecutive numbers and verify that they are consecutive and calculate the data rate. I obtain errors, non consecutive numbers (irregularly), when I increase the ...

Resolved! Neucleo Dev Board Schematic

Is there a schematic or a reference design similar to the one used for the Neucleo boards?  I'm thinking of spinning up my own board instead of using a neucleo, and wanted to include design elements like the debug link, boot loader link, oscillators,...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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CANBUS Between two STM controllers

Hello I am trying to attempt a CANBUS communication between two different STM boards, I've been following the videos on the STM website as a reference and I got the LOOPBACK Mode to work with one STM board but I am having trouble getting the NORMAL m...

How make for Stm32F407G-DISC1 with Tim

I try make"design system that sets outputPin (should be digital gpio output ) high for 0.25 secs,and low for 0.25 secs."and i use  GPIOA_PIN4(input) and   GPIOB_PIN0(output), I'm new to stm32, I'm having trouble with the timer.I try use tim, how can ...

Pogomo by Associate
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FLASH_Type_Program lists a word as 32 bits?

I'm writing a bootloader and trying to use HAL_FLASH_Program() and noticed that a word is listed as 32 bits.  Is this an ST specific word size?  I've always thought that a word = 2 bytes = 16 bits.  But it appears that if I want to write a word with ...

Resolved! Problem with UART transmission

Hi everyone,Do you think there is any reason why a set of instructions (20 lines max.), including UART transmission, works fine within the while(1) block but it doesn't work if that exact set of instruction is in a function, within the same while(1) ...

mdiro by Associate III
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Can a Debugger Be Used to Program TCM RAM STM32H730

Hi, I am working on a project using the STM32H730. In order to accommodate a requirement for larger program memory size we are planning on using an external flash and loading instructions into TCM RAM on boot. My question is whether for development w...

EPala.2 by Associate III
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