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Forum Posts

STM32F4 Retriggerable one pulse mode

Hello Community,I am struggling to get a retriggerable one pulse mode working on a STM32F405 and I reached the point where I am not sure whether this is actually possible with the processor. I saw that newer processors have the "Combined Reset Trigge...

cascadingTimers2_1_3.jpg triggerTimer2viaTimer1.jpg
Luke4 by Associate II
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I2C Problem

I have 2 MCU, one is the STM32F401RE acting as master and the other is STM32G474RE acting as slave, I have kept both the controllers in open drain and pulled up, the slave address is 0x30<<1, I think the data is being transferred because on pressing ...

Epsilon03 by Associate II
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How to map STM32G0B0 DMA to UART1 TX

STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.12.0Using LL driversADC to Memory via DMA1 Channel1 workingUSART1 RX worksMemory to USART1 TX via DMA1 Channel2 does not work     I'm guessing the problem we are having is that we are not using the correct DMA channel for USAR...

Resolved! STM32L4 HAL I2C driver not working anymore after update

I recently update my STM32L4 HAL library from 1.9 to 1.13.  After that, using the HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_IT function, I got stuck in an error routine because TCR flag was set and that shouldn't happen:        When I looked at the changes in the HAL librar...

Schermafbeelding 2023-07-02 om 17.08.20.png Schermafbeelding 2023-07-02 om 17.06.53.png

Receive into external RAM via DMCI

uC: STM32H725AEIToolchain / IDE: STM32CubeIDECubeMX version: 6.8.0I'm using CubeMX for code generation with HAL drivers.I'm currenty receiving a JPEG from a camera via DCMI with 640x480.I'd like to step up the game to 1280x960, but the picture would ...

STM32H743XI silicon Y - DBGMCU dead ?

Curious if anyone else encountered this: I work on a design using STM32H743XI silicon Y and DBGMCU seems to be completely dead. Reading any register returns 0 (so no REV_ID/DEV_ID). Writing to get 'timer freeze on debug' does not work either and read...

Dan4 by Associate II
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