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Forum Posts

HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_IT fails to initialize

Hello There,I'm using STM32H7A3 and facing a weird issue with HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_IT() API.STM is connected to Cellular Modem via UART. When I turn on the modem via some GPIOs, initially it throws some init data. But when I call HAL_UARTEx_Recei...

KAgga.1 by Associate III
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Newbie Blue Pill Blink CubeIDE

Hi,Pretty new to STM32 but reasonably comfortable with ESP32, Pico and 40 years of C++. So old enough to expect it to be me.Cannot get blink to work with blue pill 32k using cube ide on ubuntu 23.04 with   while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE *...

bibble235 by Associate III
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BL4S5I-IOT01A issue

Hello there! I am using the B-L4S5I-IOT01A board. After setting up the AWS process, I have opened tera term to configure the device. After I configured the tera term once I press the reset button on the board, no information is being displayed on the...

DDutt.3 by Associate
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PC13/PC14/PC15 pins on the STM32F103CBT6 usage

Hello,I have a question related to the GPIOs PC13/PC14/PC15. Due to the fact that in my project I am running out of the other GPIO pins I have a question related to those pins above. I know that those pins have limitation to max 3mA sink current so d...

Resolved! HAL_FLASHEx_Erase no effect on STMF401RE

Hi. I am writing a bootlloader application that can erase, rewrite, and jump to a user application.As a starting point, I want to make sure I can erase the user application, but the erase seems to have no effect. My sector erase code is below.uint32_...

JBark.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! Nucleo-U575 & SIM7600G

Dear,Started with the FreeRTOS example I am trying to communicate over uart with a sim7600G. I have setup my usart2. I am able to send data but the returned value contains only the data sended and no response from the sim7600G. I have tried with an e...

T.Die by Associate II
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SBSFU Linker script issue on STM32F746

Hi,I've been trying to implement the SBSFU package on my STM32F746 but I got some issues.I started from the STM32F769I-Discovery example given in the SBSFU package supply by ST.I'm trying to modify the memory mapping to fit my device.When I'm debuggi...

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