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Hi,I need help on MMC operations.My project is using STM32U575 to access MMC chip (EMMC16G-IB29). It uses SDMMC1  on 4B bus (MMC 4bit wide bus). The U575 is running on 90MHz. The initialization sub is: static void MX_SDMMC1_MMC_Init(void){hmmc1.Insta...
Hi,I configured the TIM17 as "Output Compare CH1 CH1N" with "Toggle on Match mode". The CH1 signal is correct but there is no CH1N output at all. The source codes are listed below. Any comment? Thanks.The initialization call:if(HAL_TIM_OC_Start_IT(&h...
I want to use the internal RTC on the STM32U575 to maintain the date and time for an embedded application even when the main power supply is off. The VBAT pin of this chip is connected to a coin battery. However, I have observed that every time the m...
Hi,I am using STM32U575VIT6Q in a BPSK receiver. The STM32U575 SPI1 is set to slave, receiver only. GPDMA channel 6 is linked to the SPI1 input and buffering input data to a data array. The SPI1 clock input (PA5) is connected to TIM1 channel 3 output...
I am loading and running example "ADC_DMA_Transfer" on NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board but failed go through on function callMX_ADC4_Init();Step into this function, the software trapped in the ADC calibration process.if (HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc4, ADC...