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About RTC in sleep mode

We are developing a device that periodically boots in Sleep mode using the STM32G04.Set the WakeUpTime with HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT and enter Sleep with HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI);.If you make a program to ...

j_m by Associate II
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Integration over time

Hello I am receiving current  from sensor continuously in while loop. I want to integrate the value with time so I can know total passed charge. Please suggest how to do it.

Nico3 by Senior
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Resolved! Saving external flash data on file

Hello I am using STM32F0 Series MCU. I am saving some data every 10 minutes on external Adesto flash. I am able read data from ext flash and display on console using printf command. Now I want to save the data on external file rather than just displa...

Nico3 by Senior
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ADC triggering on value

Hello,Is it possible to set trigger when ADC converter reach a certain value? I mean that an interrupt rutine is called when ADC reach a user value. Can you please provide or refer a piece of code?Thank,Petr

Regarding the COM PORT not showing

I was getting Start with STM32F401CCU. I am not able to find the COM PORT to USE in ARDUINO IDE.But in Device Manager i was able to find the belowAs STM32 BootLoader. Which i am not able use ARDUINO IDE.Can AnyBody help me to fix this

AkarshSM_0-1691862376322.png AkarshSM_1-1691862433004.png

stm32 h747 uart8 hal_uart_init wrong

If when i use hal_uart_init(&huart8) get result Details:HAL_ERROR Default:HAL_ERROR,Decimal:1,Hex:0x1,Binary:1,Octal:01.When i use step into ,reach at final while(sets-- !=0u)and no more what does this mean ? how could i solve this problem? static vo...

wjian.2 by Associate II
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STM32Cube MX, VScode setup

Hello.I'm having issues with STM32CubeMX and VScode setup. I have the STM32 VScode extension installed and all the extras that were required as per this page ( ). I generate a m...

ROVguy by Associate
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Several DMA streams running in "parallel"

Hello!I'm new to DMA concept, and need some clarification on several DMA questions (STM32h7). Q1. From RM0433: "To ensure data coherence, each group of transfers that form a burst are indivisible: AHB transfers are locked and the arbiter of the AHB b...

MNema.1 by Associate II
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