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Greetings,We are adding an OTA procedure to our firmware that depends on a small loader at the start of flash which is responsible for programming the main application written to program flash at a higher address.  The procedure works fine as it is, ...
Greetings,This is surprising because it should be a simple task.  We've read from the die temperature sensor on other STM32 MCUs without issue.  In this case, we are using the STM32WB55MMG module.  We can read a calibrated value for the 3.3V VDDA inp...
Greetings,From what I've read of the Cube code and guidance in AN5289, we enter STM32WB low power states by putting the M4 into the low power state we want. If we need the M0 to continue to advertise, for example, we would configure it to do so and ...
Greetings,We're looking into the low power modes of the STM32WB. Our measured consumption in Stop2 on our custom PCBA is very close to the expected value. However, in reset (holding the reset button), the MCU is not drawing what we'd expect.For com...