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Hello,I'm trying to copy an existing project to a new directory tree to do modifications there (and leave the original unchanged).It seems like copying all the files to the new tree location and opening the .ioc file should work, but when I try that ...
Hello,I'm having weird problems with code crashing, perhaps related to how I have IRAM1/IRAM2 set up in my project:Looking in the reference manual, I see that the SRAM starting at 0x2000_0000 is the DTCM_RAM on TCM interface (data RAM?), the SRAM sta...
Hello,I was trying to use USART1 in a project with STM32H742VIT6 but decided to use LPUART1 instead.  I found that using the same BRR computation the baud rate is coming out MUCH slower (it's around a factor of 51 slower).  LPUART1SEL is in the reset...
Hello,I am developing a project using STM32H742VIT6.I have tentatively tried to configure SPI on PA4-7 outputs and USART1 TX on PA9 simultaneously.  However, when I try to implement this configuration on STM32CubeMX, it automatically places USART1 TX...
I am trying to do disk i/o with a FAT32-formatted SD card (32GB ADATA) using SPI on a STM32H742VIT6.The disk_initialize() function in diskio.c does not complete because it looks like the wait_ready() function is always timing out.static int wait_read...
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