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I couldn't able wakeup the system after standby (wakeup should be switching ON mains ) the wakeup pin PA2 is connected to mains pin configured for pwr wakeup.  int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuratio...

SRAM.11 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 SPI vs STM32F4 spi

Im moving my project code from stmf407 to stm32h743 and i have stucked with spi. First of all stmh743 has many more registers and it also lack some of them like RXONLY register in CR1. What im trying to do its receive 19bytes from the master,the mast...

Screenshot_2.png stm32f4 init.png after_init_STmh7.png h7 clock.png

Resolved! USART2 problem

Hello,I would like to ask a question, I'm usin a STM32F429I-DISC1 REV-E01 for a TouchGFX application. I want to send data by UART to my pc. I configure CubeMX (screenshot attached) and then, in my code, I write those lines for a test. But it does'nt ...

ABIZO.1 by Associate II
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FR_NOT_READY with SDIO, microSD 32GB and MCU STM32F407

I was trying to interface a microSD card (32GB) with STM32F407 through SDIO. Tried 1-bit and 4-bit modes. But it always gets me back FR_NOT_READY. and the program always stuck here: FATFS configuration: SDIO configuration: Clock:Where I'm doing any m...

MKDas_0-1691048899635.png MKDas_1-1691048968290.png MKDas_2-1691049050508.png MKDas_3-1691049071703.png
MKDas by Associate II
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Resolved! GPIOC_CRL CNF2[1:0]

STM32F103RBHi. I tried to learn register level programming and got a problem with Port configuration register.hire is my codes:#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"int main(void){RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPCEN;GPIOC->CRL=0;GPIOC->CRL = GPIO_CRL_MODE2 | GPIO...

Gedo by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H725VGH6 interleaved mode

Hi! I am using STM32H725VGH6 series MCU, in the datasheet it is clearly mentioned that it has 2 direct 16bit ADC channels, while it is not there when trying to configure in STM32CubeIDE. Can you make sure the datasheet is correct or not?

shaktipg by Associate II
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Resolved! clock voltage is 1.68 on nucleo-f413zh

hey everyone im using nucleo board f413zh for an audio project and i have a weird clock voltage of 1.68 when i enable master clock  , the clock signal came from the st link to the mcu i have 2 board and in the two is the same problem  i check vdd and...

Screenshot (263).png Screenshot (262).png
zohbou1 by Associate
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