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Forum Posts

Problems with RTC - wakeup from STOP-Mode

Hi,i am using a STM32L010K8 MCU and i want to wake up from stop mode when a RTC-Wakeup interrupt occours. Here in this example i set the RTC wakeup interrupt for 30 seconds. Without entering the sleep mode the RTC IRQ works fine. But if the MCU enter...

ledi001 by Senior
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Evalkit-robot-1 Modbus

Not getting expected responses from motor according to ST manual. @Enrico Poli maybe you knowIs there something wrong with our Modbus packets or is what we are seeing correct and the manual is wrong?  The answers here seem OFF TOPIC and cause confusi...

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sdownsee by Associate II
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USB host issue in CDC mode

Hello everyone,I am developing firmware for the STM32F7508-DK discovery board, and I'm utilizing TouchGFX for the GUI aspect of the project. However, I am encountering a problem when enabling USB-FS HOST functionality. The GUI and other peripherals s...

iSaeed62 by Associate II
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Rust, STM32L451, entering Stop Mode

Hi, I have a problem entering Stop Mode 2 with STM32L451CCU6. My current consumption is around 600 uA, while expected should be much lower. What can cause this problem? Here is the code:  use cortex_m::asm; use cortex_m_rt::entry; use stm32l4xx_hal::...

rbb by Associate
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Resolved! ADC Reading Consistency

I am feeding 1.75V into an ADC input on a STM32F407 and see the voltage source is clean and consistent on a scope.  I continuously read the value every 20ms.  I see the ADC value change between 2108 to 2130.  How consistent should the value be?  I'm ...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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What is the purpose of OSC32 in STM32

I am designing my first PCB. I am working on the project that needs low power consumption. For this we chose STM32L031G6U6 microcontroller. After collecting some measurements, the CPU will be put into sleep mode and wake up every minute or so for a f...

LPetr.1 by Senior II
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Clear SPI Rx buffer using DMA and resume receiving.

Hello. Two NUCLEO-G431RBs are used for SPI communication.One is used as SPI master and one as SPI slave, and the pins of SCK and MOSI are connected to each other using jumper cables. Communication works fine most of the time.However, when the other p...

TKawa.9 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H753ZI Internal pull up resistors not doing anything?

Hey guys,Kinda pulling my hair out as to why the pull up resistor is not kicking in? I am expecting when the MCU boots up to see a nice high signal on PA4, but nothing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. if I write a 0x01 into ODR it then pulls up,...

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CLeo.1 by Senior II
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