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STM32H7B0ZBTx - Don't see lwIP in CubeMX

Hi, I would like to test lwIP on my board. I use STM32H7B0 and Simcom LTE module. I would like to configure lwIP with this LTE module using PPPoS. Unfortunately I cannot find lwIP in CubeMX Pinout & Configuration section. Why is that? 

ypiotrp by Senior
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Connection between ADC Clock and sample rate

Hello all,I am a beginner in the world of STM32 programming and need a little help with the ADCs.I am currently using the STM32H735IG Discovery Kit and CubeIDE.For an ongoing project I am using the ADC1 to sample channel IN0.The DMA and sampling is w...

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DeBa92 by Associate II
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we can using stm32 to set the code for user, but in future we have communicate with wireless method (internet)to upload new code for any other update, how it work, please assist us.

prathap by Associate II
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STM42F4 Pin 1 Identifier

Posted on July 02, 2014 at 02:49Just received some STM32F405RGT6 (64 pin LQFP) processors with two round circles on opposite corners of the package, one smaller with a concave bottom, the other larger with a flat bottom. The package description in t...

Sampling Time for ADC on STM32L432

I'm looking for guidance on how to select the Sampling Time for the ADC on my STM32L432KCU6.  I found some tables in AN2834, but they are for the STM32H7 Series. I'm interested in getting ±0.5 LSB accuracy with 12-bit resolution.  I'm running my ADC ...

SPI Master RXWNE never sets at high speed

Hi ExpertsI have a situation with STMH7 as a master on the SPI3 bus with two slaves (both RM44),I am using polling on master and chip select lines to select individual slaves. Problem is at speed greater than 5 Mbps the RXWNE flag never sets and code...

DGupt by Associate III
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STM32H747 QSPI Flash Dual mode wrong R/W data

I am using QUAD SPI in STM32H747 in dual mode. 2 x W25N01GV flash memory chips are connected. The problem is that the odd data (bank 1, flash 1) is written / read normally, and the data of the second bank (flash2) is shifted by 4 bytes (in the first ...

STemWin and Graphics, anybody got it working?

Right now I'm trying to get StemWin working on an F767 nucleo board with an SPI interface to an ILI9341 320 x 240 display. The hardware works.  I have a graphics system I developed that's working fine, but I wanted to try to go cross platform.Segger'...

Resolved! How to Spot Fake STM32 MCU.

I recently got trouble after my STM32F103CB (128KB/20KB) started to misbehave. I ask few guys but seems no answer. Is there any way one can detect loosely cloned STM32 MCU?​

APatr.1 by Associate
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