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UART COM issue with f030r8

Hello,I am trying to use UART HAL with the stm32-f030r8 connected to the PC through a USB-TTL module.The configuration is given below :- The F030R8 has JP1 OFF, JP6 ON, JP5 on E5V.- The USB-TTL is :- The code is :/* Includes -------------------------...

wire.PNG usb-ttl.jpg
user-stm by Associate II
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Resolved! Boot0 Pin issue in STM32L051

What would happen to the microcontroller if during running normally then suddenly the boot_0 pin switched to high?in my case and due some voltage spike the boot_0 pin state switched to high for very short time nano seconds. most of the time its ok bu...

MSale.1 by Senior
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Resolved! QSPI Initialization AutoPolling timeout without BSP

Working with the STM32H747i-Eval board with a touchGFX application. Need the QSPI for assets and not wanting to use the BSP due to wanting to have more control over clock speeds and pinout configuration.I'm in need of some more experienced advice whe...

Resolved! Release Firmware vs. Debug Firmware Behaving Differently

I have noticed lately that when switching between my release and debug build configurations that the code behaves differently. Looking at the Project Build Settings the only difference I see between the two is the Release GCC and G++ compilers are op...

Jaboop by Associate II
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DMA Mode change source Increment address

ILI9341 SPI display running on an L5 processor on a custom board.In a never ending quest to make the display go faster, I've split off the generic write image from the generic fill block.Since the high level drivers work with any type of display, all...

stm32h747i-disco gpio GPIO_MODE_AF_PP function

If i configure D1 pj8 as tx for uart8,D0 pj9 as rx for uart8.When i conect to led directly D0(rx) could let led on but D1(txno in this case should be right ?Both pin with GPIO_MODE_AF_PP//PULLUPstatic void MX_GPIO_Init(void) {  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_...

wjian.2 by Associate II
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Compiler Error - Syntax error

I wondering if anyone help me I have noticed on some of my STM32CUBEIDE projects I get the below error message :-make: *** [makefile:84: default.size.stdout] Error 2make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....c:/st/stm32cubeide_1.12.1/stm32cubeide/plugi...

Linkpad by Associate III
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Regarding STM32F4 Micro Controller

Hello Folk,Am working on STM32f4 Micro-Controller,Earlier I Checked Micro Controller with St Utility there i Observed Flash Size and Revision Id of Micro Controller Not Showing (Unknown) so I Doubted on Fake Micro Controller, and i Went through the M...

AGond.2 by Associate III
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